Participant Eligibility for Series
Race Rules
Code of Conduct
Health & Safety
- The J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge Road Race Series (the “Series”) is open to all companies in all industries that have an interest in forging meaningful connections and cultivating healthy workplace cultures over the shared experience of fitness, friendly competition, and advance workplace camaraderie. Company and employee eligibility determinations shall be made exclusively by JPMorganChase. (the “Series Owner”) and/or its authorized representative Executive Race Committee (the “ERC”). All participant and team eligibility decisions are final. Upon request, ERC or the Series Owner may request supplemental materials to support a participant’s eligibility to participate in an in-person and/or virtual race in the Series (an in-person race, “In-Person Race”; a virtual race, “Virtual Race”; and each, a “Race”)
- Participants must be at least eighteen (18) years of age on the day the participant completes the registration form for the applicable Race.
- Participants must be actively employed, working a minimum of 20 hours a workweek at least third (30) days prior to the Race (as defined below) registration deadline for the company they are representing. Volunteers, non-employees, club members, and sub-contractors are not eligible to participate in any Race in the Series. For the avoidance of doubt, furloughed employees are able to participate in the Race, at the discretion of their employer.
- Employees of private sector, non-business organizations (e.g., federal, state, and local governments, quasi-governmental organizations, and educational institutions) may compete and score only if they are on a team from the same unit, branch, chapter, or school at which they are directly employed, and meet all other eligibility requirements.
- Each participant must register online using the Series’ registration system in order to be officially entered and eligible to run a Race. By registering for a Race, Participants represent and warrant that: (a) they are medically fit to run; (b) they fulfill the previously listed employment requirements; and (c) agree to the terms and conditions of the Race’s Participant Entry Form, the Series’ Privacy Policy, these Rules of Competition, and the Series’ Safety Bulletin.
- Each company must register a minimum of four (4) participants that meet all of the eligibility requirements to form one (1) complete team. Please note that the gender that a participant voluntarily selects during the registration process will be used to create company scoring teams for the applicable Race. Companies that register less than four (4) individuals will not be accepted and will be removed from the registration system when the registration period closes. IN THE EVENT THAT A TEAM IS REMOVED FROM THE REGISTRATION SYSTEM, THE REGISTRATION FEES FOR THE TEAM MEMBERS WITHIN THAT INCOMPLETE TEAM WILL BE REFUNDED TO THE INDIVIDUAL WHO PAID THE REGISTRATION FEES FOR SUCH REMOVED TEAM MEMBERS, MINUS ANY PROCESSING FEES ALREADY COLLECTED BY THE ERC OR SERIES OWNER.
- All participants must register for their employer’s company team. Companies may register only one (1) company team per Race location per year. If more than one team are identified per company for any Race, the teams will be merged into one (1) company team by ERC and/or Series Owner in its sole discretion.
- The Series Owner and ERC reserve the right to delay, postpone, cancel, or not officially time any Race in the event of adverse weather conditions, fire, flood, earthquake, extreme heat, or acts of God, acts of war, terrorism, riots, civil disorders, rebellions or revolutions, third party strikes, lockouts or labor difficulties, a public health emergency, epidemic, or pandemic effecting the geographic location of the applicable Race or Series (in whole or in part), a court order or any government order or State of Emergency called by state or local officials which expressly prohibits the Race and/or related Series events from being held, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control or anticipation of a party (each, a “Force Majeure Event”). The determination of what constitutes a Force Majeure Event is reserved solely to the discretion of the Series Owner and the ERC. IN THE EVENT OF A CANCELLATION, POSTPONEMENT OR DELAYED RACE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO A FORCE MAJEURE EVENT, ENTRY FEES SHALL BE DEEMED NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPLICITLY STATED BY THE SERIES OWNER IN A COMMUNICATION TIED TO THE FORCE MAJEURE EVENT.
- A Force Majeure Event includes a regulatory requirement or advisory prohibiting or restricting non-essential business or travel, in-person events, close contact of attendees, maximum number of attendees, serving of food or beverage, and hospitality and catering spaces. IN THE EVENT OF SUCH EVENT, TO THE EXTENT THAT A TEAM CAPTAIN HAS ALREADY PAID THE RESERVATION OR BOOKING FEE FOR THE POSTPONED OR CANCELLED HOSPITALITY EVENT, THE SERIES OWNER MAY APPLY ALL PREVIOUSLY PAID AMOUNTS TOWARD A DIFFERENT OR RESCHEDULED RACE HOSPITALITY EVENT OCCURRING WITHIN TWELVE (12) MONTHS OF THE ORIGINAL RACE DATE.
- These Rules of Competition and any other Race rules are subject to interpretation by the local event organizer, the Series Owner and ERC. All decisions of the local event organizer, ERC and the Series Owner are final. For the avoidance of doubt, the Rules of Competition and any other jurisdiction specific Race rules may be modified, at any time, in the sole discretion of the Series Owner.
- For USA Races Only: Companies who register teams for any In-Person Race in the Series must have a facility or office in the greater metropolitan area (USA Races) of where the applicable In-Person Race is held. Participants are not required to be in an office or work in the greater metropolitan area to participate on their company team.
- For Races Held Outside of the USA: Companies who register teams for any In-Person Race in the Series must have a facility or office in the country in which the Race is held. Participants are not required to be in an office or work in the country in which the Race is held.
- Due to the large number of entries processed for each Race, all company teams and team members acknowledge that company and individual entries which do not qualify under these Rules of Competition, whether or not they have been accepted initially by the Series Owner, may be removed from the Race by the ERC or the Series Owner, either before or after any Race, and those teams and/or team members may be disqualified. IN THE EVENT OF DISQUALIFICATION PRIOR TO THE START OF THE APPLICABLE RACE, ENTRY FEES WILL BE REFUNDED TO THE INDIVIDUAL WHO PAID THE REGISTRATION FEES OF THE DISQUALIFIED TEAM MEMBER MINUS ANY PROCESSING FEES ALREADY COLLECTED BY THE ERC OR SERIES OWNER. IN THE EVENT OF DISQUALIFICATION AFTER THE START OF THE APPLICABLE RACE, ENTRY FEES WILL BE DEEMED NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE.
- Due to course restrictions or permitting regulations, the local event organizer, ERC or the Series Owner reserves the right to limit the number of participant entries before the published Race registration closing date.
- Any participant seeking a reasonable accommodation must submit a written request to the Race’s Customer Service Team on or before the published registration closing date at:
- The Series Owner reserves the right to reject or disqualify any entrant or team whose conduct is inappropriate to the spirit of the Race. Individual disqualification may lead to the disqualification of the entire team and/or company for one (1) or more Races. In the event of such disqualification of any or all team members of a company team, such team members’ entry fees shall be deemed non-refundable and non-transferable.
- All participants must complete the medical contact and emergency information on the back of their race bib.
- All participants must wear their assigned race bib in full view on the front of their shirt. Anyone found participating in any Race with another person’s bib will be disqualified, and risks disqualification for their entire company team. Disqualified participants or company teams are not entitled to a refund.
- Participants may not start the In-Person Race early and must complete the exact 3.5 miles/5.6 kilometers course and may not vary the routes unless otherwise prior approval has been provided by ERC or Series Owner. Violation of this policy may lead to disqualification of the entire company team from this and future Races.
- Participants are required to start the In-Person Race in the corral that corresponds to the color of their bib; participants may not move into a different color corral closer to the start line.
- In the interest of participant safety and security, and to allow public streets and permitted areas to reopen as required in compliance with municipal and/or law enforcement permitting restrictions, participants are allotted up to a pace of 20 minutes per mile (12.4 minutes per kilometer) to complete the course (1 hour and 10 minutes total) from the time they cross the In-Person Race’s start line. Participants unable to maintain this pace should be mindful that amenities on the course may not be available, and participants participating in In-Person Races on public streets may be asked to move off the course or onto sidewalks. Participants that fail to complete the course in 1 hour and 10 minutes from the In-Person Race’s start time may not receive an official Race time.
- To allow public streets and permitted areas to reopen as required, start lines will be closed and timing mats will be removed twenty (20) minutes after the official start time or after the last corral starts the In-Person Race, whichever is longer. Any participant that begins the In-Person Race after the start line closes will not receive an official time.
- For safety reasons, roller skates, skateboards, rollerblades, baby joggers, baby strollers, roller skis, bicycles, and pushchairs are strictly prohibited anywhere along the course. Use of any of the aforementioned items will result in disqualification of the individual participant and possibly their entire team. For the avoidance of doubt, wheelchair users who are self-propelled are not prohibited from participating in the In-Person Race.
- Non-Service Animals are strictly prohibited anywhere along the course. Use of a non-Service Animal will result in disqualification of the individual participant and possibly their entire company team. For purposes of these Rules of Competition, a “Service Animal” means a working dog, not a pet, who is trained to perform tasks for an individual with a disability with such tasks directly related to an individual’s disability. Service Animals exclude animals whose sole task is to provide comfort or emotional support to an individual; provided, however, that dogs who have been trained to assist individuals diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder shall be considered Service Animals for purposes of these Rules of Competition. All Service Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with their work or the individual’s disability prevents using such devices. In such instances, the individual must maintain control of the Service Animal through voice, signal or other effective controls
- All individual and team payments must be received by the day of the In-Person Race. If such fees are not received by the Series Owner, such failure to pay may result in disqualification of the individual participant and possibly the entire company team as determined by Series Owner and/or ERC in their reasonable discretion.
- Participants must wear the Race-provided timing chip/transponder on the back of their bib to be scored and appear in the official results. Individual results are calculated on the time elapsed between crossing the start and finish timing mats. Participants must cross the start and finish line timing mats and on-course timing split points to receive an official time.
- Companies must register a minimum of four (4) participants that meet all of the eligibility requirements to be eligible for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place company team awards.
- Each participant may be placed on one (1) scoring team at each Race per year. For example, a female participant may not score for both a female and a mixed team.
- Mixed Teams shall include no more than two (2) participants registering under the same gender.
- Ties between two (2) or more teams shall be resolved by determining which team wins the most one-on-one matchups among their four scoring members, comparing first to first, second to second, and so on. Should there still be a tie, the team with the 4th team member with the quickest time will be declared the winner.
- Based on clock/gun time and not chip time (time elapsed between crossing the start line and finish line), the top three (3) male, female, and non-binary participants who finish the Race within the overall top twenty-five (25) will be identified as the first three (3) participants in each gender to cross the finish line; verification will take place on-site. Once results are verified, all participants’ results will be posted on the Series Leaderboard.
At any Race in the Series, all participants must follow these Rules of Competition and conduct themselves in a courteous manner, showing respect for all fellow participants, volunteers, Race staff, and members of the community.
- Race Etiquette. Proper Race etiquette is required at all times, including being aware of surroundings and any announcements and following instructions from Race officials. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
- Display Names. Participants shall refrain from using inappropriate, obscene, profane, insensitive or demeaning terms as their display name for the Series Leaderboard (which is provided during registration). The Series Owner reserves the right to remove a participant’s results from the Series Leaderboard if a Display Name is deemed inappropriate or alter the display name to an appropriate name.
- Start. Participants must arrive early enough to enter their corrals on time. They must remain respectfully quiet during pre-Race announcements and the playing of the national anthem (in the U.S. only).
- Headphones. The use of headphones or earbuds is strongly discouraged. If participants wear headphones, they shall ensure that they can hear all announcements and/or instructions and remain aware of their surroundings, including other participants.
- Portable Toilets. In accordance with city ordinances, participants may only urinate in provided toilet facilities. They must be considerate in Porta Potty lines (never cutting ahead of others). Public urination in any part of the Race venue, course, village, or otherwise could result in disqualification and a police summons.
- Course Courtesy.
- Participants should not walk or run in groups of three (3) or more across, as wide groups become barriers to other participants on the course.
- If someone behind a participant calls out, “On your left,” the participant in front should move to the right to let the other participant pass.
- Participants should never stop abruptly on the course (e.g., to drink at a water station or to tie shoelaces participants should move to the side of the course).
- Race Attire. Participants are prohibited from participating in a Race without shirts and/or removing their shirts during the applicable Race or related Series event. Runners must wear their bibs on the front of their torsos, where they can be visible at all times. Shirts or attire deemed inappropriate by the ERC, including but not limited to obscene, profane, insensitive, or demeaning terms or phrases may result in disqualification of the individual.
- Trash. Races are conducted in public parks and streets. Participants must deposit all trash in provided receptacles, including at water stations where they must take care to avoid hitting other participants with discarded cups. Recycling and compost bins should be used whenever possible.
- Safety. If any participant encounters a runner in distress, they should offer assistance and/or report the situation to the nearest aid station. If possible, they should also call the local emergency number.
- Medical. All participants should check with a professional health care provider prior to taking part in the Series. The Series Owner positions first aid and medical personnel at the start, along the course, and at the finish line. The coverage that personnel can provide is limited based on the overall range and quantity of medical care being provided to other participants. All Race participants must exercise personal responsibility in making decisions as it relates to one's health and participation in any Race. If a member of the Medical Care Team (as defined in the participant’s signed Entry Form) deems a participant unfit to continue participating in the Race, that decision is final. For clarity, by submitting an Entry Form, each participant has acknowledged and agreed that the responsibility for any medical costs incurred by a participant in connection with any element of his or her participation in the Race including, without limitation, any and all costs associated with the transport, care and treatment of the participant are the exclusively the responsibility of the participant.
- Prohibited Items. The following items are prohibited from Race venues:
- Weapons of any kind, including firearms, knives, mace, etc.
- Any dangerous item or “dual use” item that could be considered dangerous, including hammers, saws, sharp objects, etc
- Flammable liquids, fuels, fireworks, toxic chemicals, and explosives
- Large packages, coolers, pop-up tent or camping tents and lean-tos
- Duvets, sleeping bags and large blankets or comforters
- Unmanned aerial devices, drones, survey balloons, photography mini-copters, or any other flying device.
- Opaque trash/plastic bags (excluding clear trash bags which are permitted)
- Animals/pets (excluding approved Service Animals which are permitted)
- Folding chairs, camp chairs and tables of any kind
- Glass containers
- Containers of liquid larger than one (1) liter
- Strollers (all kinds)
- Suitcases and rolling bags
- Camelbacks and any type of hydration backpack (excluding fuel belts and handheld water bottles which are permitted)
- Weight vests or any other vests with multiple pockets, especially those that can be used as water reservoirs
- Costumes that cover the face and any bulky outfits that are not reasonably form-fitting
- Props, including sporting equipment, military and fire gear, and signs larger than 11” x 17”
- Selfie sticks and camera mounts/rigs that are not attached directly to participants' heads or torsos
Participants that feel ill and/or experience symptoms related to COVID-19 or related strains on the day of the applicable Race (i.e., cough, fever, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, loss of taste or smell), have tested positive for COVID-19 or related strains within 120 hours of the applicable Race, or have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive to COVID-19 or related strains within two (2) weeks from the day of the Race are prohibited from participating in the Series.
Participants shall follow all applicable local, state, and national guidelines and regulations regarding exercise and social distancing. Series Owner will follow NHS & Government Guidelines regarding COVID-19 testing and vaccinations and the latest health and safety procedures and guidelines.
In accordance with local law, participants may be expected to produce a negative COVID-19 test or vaccine status prior to the start of the applicable Race in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and related strains to other participants, community members and event staff.
What is heatstroke?
Heatstroke is the breakdown of the body’s ability to control its own temperature. It occurs most often in short races when unfit runners, enticed by the seemingly easy, short distance, run at a pace that is beyond their conditioning. But even world-class athletes have suffered heatstroke. The condition is deadly; victims of heatstroke—including young, fit people—suffer an 80 percent mortality rate.
Who is prone to heatstroke?
Any one of the below conditions puts you at risk for heatstroke. If one or more of these risk factors applies to you, do not run in the heat (above 70° F/21° C). Review the list on race day; if you are at risk, do not participate in the Race.
- Alcohol intake within twenty-four (24) hours
- Dehydrated
- History of heatstroke
- Lack of recent, regular training
- Lack of sleep
- More than 20 percent (20%) overweight
- Not acclimated to the heat. It takes three weeks to acclimate to an increase in temperature.
- Recent immunizations
- Sunburn or rash
- Taking medications, either over-the-counter or prescription, especially those that decrease your ability to sweat, including:
- Anti-diarrheal medications
- Antihistamines
- Atropine
- Cold medications
- Diuretics
- Ephedrine, ephedra, ma huang
- Scopolamine
- Tranquilizers
What are the warning signs of heatstroke?
The beginning stages of heatstroke are often marked by a throbbing headache, a general feeling of malaise or excessive warmth, confusion, difficulty concentrating, disorientation, clumsiness, stumbling, and excessive sweating or no sweating. The symptoms of heat exhaustion, a condition that can precede heatstroke, are extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, muscular cramps, rapid breathing, and faintness.
If you or a teammate have any of these symptoms, stop running, get into a cool environment (shade, for example), and seek medical attention immediately.
How can I prevent heatstroke?
If you have one of the above risk factors, don’t run in the heat (above 70° F/21° C). Even runners to whom none of the above risk factors apply should take the following precautions:
- Don’t run during the hottest part of the day.
- If you are not acclimated to the heat, reduce the length of your run and slow your pace by one minute per km until you’re acclimated to the heat. It takes three weeks to fully acclimate to a higher temperature and humidity.
Drink water throughout the day, before, during, and after runs and races.
Should I be aware of other risk factors?
If any of the conditions listed below apply to you, you should consult with your doctor about your plans to train and participate in a Race.
- Asthma
- Coronary artery disease
- Diabetes
- Drug use
- Excessive stress at work or home
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- No previous running experience
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Smoking
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