Video Transcript
Side note: This video uses text and infographics to convey information. Metal music plays.
On screen: In Asia, a woman reaches for her mobile device as it sounds a wake-up alarm.
Text on screen: It's time.
On screen: In Germany, a man grabs his mobile device, which displays the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge app's welcome screen.
Text on screen: Hashtag JPMCC.
On screen: A montage shows a man and woman getting dressed having morning coffee and doing training exercises.
Text on screen: Get ready. Get set. To (hashtag) RemixtheRun!
On screen: The man and woman, both J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge participants, make their breakfasts and then do stretching exercises. Then, a dark-haired man begins an international count-down, interspersed with video clips:
Man with Dark Hair: Ten.
On screen: A woman eats cereal and a man exercises. Then, a woman with short black hair:
Woman with Short Black Hair: 九 (Nine).
On screen: A woman sips an energy drink. A man grabs some toast. A man ties his running shoes. Then, a man with brown hair and green eyes:
Man with Green Eyes: Acht (Eight).
On screen: A man jogs in a city park by a river.
Text on screen: Out of (Home) Office & crushing it!
On screen: A woman with black hair and brown eyes.
Woman with Brown Eyes: Seven.
On screen: A woman drinks a healthy beverage. A man does an aerobic workout. Then, a man with short, dark hair:
Man with Short Dark Hair: Six.
On screen: A woman exercises in her back yard.
Text on screen: Hashtag Remix The Run.
On screen: A man with salt-and-pepper hair and a goatee:
Man with Goatee: Cinco (Five).
On screen: Men and women do cardio exercises, including shadow boxing and running-in-place. Then, a brown-eyed man with a stubble beard:
Man with Stubble Beard: Four.
On screen: Men do plyometrics and push-ups.
Text on screen: Teamwork with my Work Team!
On screen: A woman with short dark-brown hair:
Woman with Short Dark Brown Hair: 三 (Three).
On screen: A woman runs in place. A man holds a yoga pose. Then, the man with brown hair and green eyes:
Man with Green Eyes: Zwei (Two).
On screen: A man zips up his running jacket. Then, comedian Kevin Hart speaks from his front yard:
Kevin Hart: One!
On screen: As an airhorn blares, participants of the virtual J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge dash out their front doors!
Kevin Hart: It's go time!
Text on screen: See you at the finish line! Finisher 2020. Visit us at: www.jpmorganchasecc.com for more information on how to download the app.
Logo: J.P.Morgan Corporate Challenge (registered trademark).
Text on screen: On social media…
- Facebook: at JPMorgan Corporate Challenge.
- Twitter and Instagram: at JPMorgan.
- hashtag JPMCC
- (and) hashtag Remix The Run.
Get Ready! Announcing the launch of the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge Virtual App
September 8, 2020
Virtual Event to Run Through October 8-22; Entrants Must Download App to Record Finish Times
The 2020 J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge Virtual takes off from the starting line tomorrow!
All registered entrants worldwide are eligible to begin their 3.5-mile run or walks tomorrow and will have the opportunity to show their company pride by seeing their finish times on the Corporate Challenge worldwide Leaderboard.
Entrants will need to download the new J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge App anytime between now and the close of Corporate Challenge Virtual on October 22.
Walkers, joggers and runners may participate as many times as they would like on the Corporate Challenge App during the October 8-22 timeframe.
Registration remains open for the complimentary J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge Virtual, in which registered participants will have the ability to run or walk their own 3.5-mile course, without teammates or crowds, respecting social distancing guidelines from local authorities.
Companies and their employees can receive support on downloading the App at www.jpmorgancc.com or by contacting series-info@corpchallenge.jpmorgan.com with any questions.
Corporate Challenge Virtual replaces in-person racing, which was cancelled in June due to the ongoing uncertainty of the effect of COVID-19. The Virtual event will feature entrants from all 15 cities from six continents in the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge Series.
For Corporate Challenge Virtual there are no limits to the number of entries a company may enter, and no geographic restrictions. If a company within a Corporate Challenge market has offices in other parts of the world, they may ask their colleagues in other locations to register and then download thei the App. It’s a great opportunity for companies to build worldwide camaraderie.
The JPMorgan Chase Foundation will donate on behalf of Corporate Challenge Virtual to not from profit organizations in each Corporate Challenge city. All registered entrants will receive the opportunity on a first-come, first-serve basis to receive a 2020 Corporate Challenge Finisher T-Shirt.
The J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge has been held annually on a global basis since 1977, with 2020 representing the Series’ 44th consecutive year of operation.